

This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Kids' Planet  

  • Grade Level: Preschool-Upper Elementary (4-6)
  • Subjects: Communities and Families, Social Studies, Guidance
  • Produced By: Sabbatical Entertainment
  • Year: 2017
  • Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • Running Time: 25m
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  • What is laughter? / When is not correct to laugh?
  • What is being conscious?
  • Benefits of laughing / Types of laughter
  • What is the sense of humour and how to develop it?
  • The power of positive thinking / What is optimism?

In this opportunity the main topic is humour and all regarding it, like laughter and its concept. Knowing about what things can be funny to some people, although they're not for others. This is based on empathy and being conscious of people's feelings.

We will learn about the different ways to laugh, and the diverse types of laughter, for example, the simulated one and its multiple physical benefits, quality life and its prolongation.

Also we will learn about the sense of humour and some advices on how to develop it.

Finally we will know about the power of positive thinking within optimism as a motivator to accomplish goals in life.

For that, the invitation is to laugh of all the possible things, even or ourselves, because laughter is the best medicine, and it s free.

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