
Weather and Climate

  • Grade Level: Junior High (7-9)-Senior High (10-12)
  • Subjects: Earth Science
  • Produced By: VEA Group Pty Ltd
  • Year: 2009
  • Country: Australia
  • Language: English
  • Running Time: 26m
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Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get. Climate is about long term, records, trends and averages; weather is about day to day experiences. Understanding these allows us to make predictions and forecasts. This program introduces us to the basics and science of Meteorology from its earliest theoretical, observational development to the invention of equipment, such as the Thermometer, Barometer, Hygrometer and the World Wide Weather Watch, that led to meteorology becoming a science which characterises modern operational meteorology of today. Understanding our weather and the implications of climate is an important skill in both our study and everyday lives.

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