
Progressive Ideologies: Imperialism, Nationalism, Capitalism, Egalitarianism

  • Grade Level: Junior High (7-9)-Senior High (10-12)
  • Subjects: History
  • Produced By: VEA Group Pty Ltd
  • Year: 2011
  • Country: Australia
  • Language: English
  • Running Time: 20m
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The period between 1750 and 1918 was a time of great political, social and economic change. The very fabric of human society and thought was shifting in profound ways. In this program we dig deep into history to examine the major shifts from Imperialism to Nationalism, Capitalism to Egalitarianism. Featuring leading academics and clear explanations, this program consolidates a huge amount of information, putting it into context with excellent examples. Focusing on the British Empire and the slow loosening of her grip on the world, we see just how our modern world was formed.

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