
Influences on Design

  • Grade Level: Junior High (7-9)-Senior High (10-12)
  • Subjects: Design
  • Produced By: VEA Group Pty Ltd
  • Year: 2011
  • Country: Australia
  • Language: English
  • Running Time: 16m
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Many factors influence the design of products, systems or environments. Designers must consider how these factors will have an impact on their eventual users, environments and the wider world. Designers have to use materials sympathetically and consider the conflicting demands that moral, cultural, economic, and social values and needs can have in the planning and in the designing of products. In six independent chapters, this program explores the influences that culture, subculture, egalitarianism, global society, hedonism, and sustainability have on design. Packed with engaging imagery and real-life examples, this program will stimulate viewers to think about the influences on their design work.

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