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The Strength of Arches
This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Science and The City
- Grade Level: General
- Subjects: Physics
- Produced By: Exploration Production Inc.
- Year: 2007
- Country: Canada
- Language: English
- Running Time: 5m 56s
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Other products from this series
Build a Simple Speaker
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
A plastic dish, a coil of wire and a magnet are the main components required to make a functioning speaker!
Build a Simple Electric Guitar
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
A powerful magnet is the essential component for getting the classic rock and rool guitar sound!
Create a Visible Air Current
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Create visible and powerful air currents.
Dissecting an Owl Pellet
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Explore the ingredients of an owl's last meal by exploring its regurgitated stomach contents. Yuck! But amazing, too!
Build a Working Compass
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
With a magnet, and needle, and a bowl of water, you can tie in to the earth's magnetic field!
What Does a Sparkplug Do?
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Replicate the controlled explosions unleashed inside your car engine hundreds of times every second!
Electrolysis of Water
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Break water into its component elements - hydrogen and oxygen.
The Egg-Splosion!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
The rate at which combustion can take place is determined by the availability of oxygen. In this demonstration, hydrogen burns slowly until there is…
Balancing Bodies and the Centre of Gravity
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Put your balance to the test to see if there are differences in centre of gravity between men and women.
Building the Original Battery
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Build a working replica of the basic electrochemical cell - the voltaic pile - constucted by Alessandro Volta in 1800, the world's first battery.
Why Does the Wind Blow?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Air has mass and exerts pressure on the earth's surface. Differences in pressure cause the air to move! These demonstrations illustrate just how…
Fruit and Vegetable Power!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Use ordinary fruit and vegetables to create a simple functioning battery.
The Amazing Flowing/Non-flowing Fluid!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Cornstarch and water combine to make a marvellous substance that looks like runny goo until you apply pressure to it, at which point it turns stiff…
Simple DNA Extraction
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Using simple materials and tools, extract visible strands of DNA from fruit cells.
Bubbles in Baking
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Why are breads, cakes, and pancakes fluffy? Where do all those bubbles come from, and why are they important?
The Amazing Dipping Duck
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
Explore what makes the dipping duck dip, and what it can tell us about the weather!
Build a Carbon Microphone
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
A box and a piece of carbon will get you started on creating a working microphone!
Making a Crystal Radio
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2006
It's a flashback to the fifties, as we tune in local AM radio stations with our home-built, battery-free crystal radio.
Striking Gold!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Learn about the properties of the remarkable metal by panning for gold and plating gold onto metallic objects.
Laser Show
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Draw patterns called Lissajous figures using a laser and an electronic keyboard.
Build a Simple Motor
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Build a simple motor and learn how the interplay between a magnet and an electrical current makes the motor spin.
Three Types of Magnetism
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Here are three types of magnetism that are easily demonstrated. Two are very weak and easily overlooked, but they become apparent under the right…
The Shape of Soap Bubbles
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why are soap bubbles spherical, and what does it take to create a different shape?
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Create a tasty treat almost instantly using super-cold liquid nitrogen.
What Is Soap?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Soap molecules get along with everyone. One end likes water and the other likes oils and grease. So the soap brings the two together. Make a…
Will It Float?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Why will diet pop float and regular won't? And how can a microwave help us understand the mystical floating ability of Ivory® soap?
Making Silk and Nylon
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Silk has been a valuable fibre for over 5000 years. Nylon was developed as the modern synthetic substitute. It's remarkably easy to create fibres…
Building a Clapper!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Learn the technology behind everyone's favourite 'as-seen-on-TV' gadget!
Bubbles Under Pressure
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
What causes bubbles to form in carbonated beverages? Obviously it's carbon dioxide, but why do bubbles form rapidly (or even explosively!)…
Burning Water
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Make acetylene the old fashioned way - using carbide and water - and set the water on fire!
Playing With Inertia
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Inertia is the resistance to a change in motion - whether already moving or standing still. Here are some simple and fun examples!
Falling to Earth Due to Gravity
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
The 'monkey gun' demonstration is a striking example of gravity at work, illustrating how all objects fall at the same rate, even if they're not…
Mixing Oil and Water
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
When liquids are weightless, they form a sphere. Make a sphere of oil inside a beaker of water and alcohol.
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
In order to feel your weight, you have to feel the earth pushing against you. If you are accelerating toward the earth at a rate equal to the force…
The Electric Pencil
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Build a simple electric circuit using a penicl stroke on a piece of paper to conduct the current.
Spitting Sparks
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Salt water and acids both conduct electricity. So what about saliva, which is both salty and acidic?
Barrel Roll Science
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
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Liquid Pressure
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
Hydraulics are based upon the transmission of forces through liquids. Because liquids are virtually incompressible, they readily transmit and even…
Making Butter
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2007
One of the simplest food science activities is one of the best. Transform cream into butter!
How Does a Toilet Flush?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A simple model of a toilet tank illustrates how it flushes with no mechanical parts other than a flap.
Polarized Light
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Passing light through a polarizing filter gives it intriguing properties that are exploited all around us, particularly in the LCD screens we see on…
Storing an Electric Charge
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Capacitors are used to store an electric charge for quick release. They are common components of electronic devices, but they need to be treated…
Lenz's Law
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
We know that copper and aluminum are not typically attracted to permanent magnets, but unexpected things happen when the magnet is in motion!
Make a Comet
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
It's simple and fun to make your own dirty snowball and, in the process, learn what comet are composed of and how they move through space!
Measuring the Speed of Light With a Microwave
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The electromagnetic waves in a microwave travel at the speed of light. Figuring out their wavelength will give us a tasty approximation of the speed…
Making Curds and Whey
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Step one in cheesemaking is acidifying the milk to separate curds (which become cheese) and liquid whey (water, proteins, and other stuff).
The Science of Tightrope Walking
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Sometimes it's hard enough just to walk on the sidewalk. How is it possible to balance on a tightrope, and how does that big heavy bar fit into the…
Understanding Centrifugal Force
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A rotating system requires two forces - a forward force and a force in towards the centre. If you didn't have the force in toward the center, then…
Lake Turnover
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Explore the dynamic processes that keep water circulating in Canadian lakes.
Make Your Own Doorbell
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The simple doorbell is a wonderful piece of technology built around a device called a solenoid. Make your own!
Why Do Balls Bounce?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Learn about the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions. It's all about conserving kinetic energy!
Rosin Up The Bow
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Violins and cellos make beautiful music when a skilled musician runs a bow across the strings. But why do they apply rosin to the strings before…
Spinning Tops
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Explore the strange physics that keep spinning tops from falling down. What is it about spinning that makes objects stable, and seemingly able to…
Body Heat
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Our body creates heat through the chemical reactions required to move muscles. With the help of some candy, we can illustrate just how much heat is…
How to Disappear
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Make a test tube disappear before your eyes, and learn about the index of refraction.
The Original Battery
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Alessandro Volta created the first battery. His 'voltaic pile' used alternating silver and zinc discs separated by cloth soaked in salt water. We…
Play With Polymers
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A polymer is a long chain molecule composed of smaller, similar units bonded together, like the boxcars in a train. These demonstrations illustrate…
Water Bottle Rocket
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Why do rockets propelled by air pressure work better with water inside, and how much water works best?
World's Simplest Generator
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Generate electricity with some fine wire, a strong magnet, and a film canister!
Build Your Own Lavalamp
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The trick to a great lavalamp is finding two fluids that won't mix.
The Egg-Zooka
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A shopvac can be transformed into a simple cannon, launching projectiles using air pressure.
Pulling a Car/Cracking a Nut
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Alan demonstrates how mechanical advantage helps humans do things that would normally require superhuman strength.
Making a Hoodoo
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Hoodoos are unusual erosional features found in the Badlands of Alberta. Here's a simple way to create your own hoodoos.
Walk Like a Dinosaur
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Did dinosaurs walk around with their big tails dragging on the ground, or did they serve a more functional purpose? Explore how the dinosaur's tail…
Making Mountains
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
How are mountains made? Alan Nursall demonstrates the process.
Making Ice Cream
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Here's a simple, effective, and delicious way to make ice cream without a freezer, and learn some physics in the process!
Hydrophobic Materials Keep Water Away!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Lots of materials absorb water, but what sort of materials actually repel water, and how does water behave around them. Here are some fun ways to…
Why Do Stones Skip on Water?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Skipping stones across a smooth lake surface comes down to understanding a couple of basic principles.
Carbon Dioxide and Fire
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Carbon dioxide is very effective for extinguishing fires, and
The Science of Powdery and Grainy Material
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Bulk containers of grainy material like rice or sugar often behave in counter-intuitive ways. They flow like fluids, but they can lock solid under…
Exploding Water
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. With the help of a little electricity, we can separate water into its component gases with explosive…
How Does a Rocket Work?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A rocket is a vehicle that generates thrust by powerfully ejecting fluid exhaust from its engine. Even a fire extinguisher can serve as a rocket…
Thermite Reaction
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A classic replacement reaction, highly exothermic and very impressive.
Liquid Oxygen and Combustion
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
The rate at which a fire burned is governed by the availability of oxygen. Fires burn at a phenomenal rate when the concentration of oxygen…
Never Put Water on an Oil Fire!
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A simple safety tip, very graphically illustrated. Water makes oil fires much, much worse!
Flashover Fires
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Fires burning in enclosed spaces can very quickly erupt explosively. How long will it take for a smoldering bed to catastrophically flare into a…
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Forces can be transmitted through liquids. These demonstrations illustrate how significant mechanical advantage can be built into a hydraulic system.
Why is the Sky Blue?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Some simple demonstrations help us understand how sunlight is scattered as it passes through the atmosphere, and why blue light is scattered more…
Pumpkin Ballistics
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Let's find out how to get maximum projectile distance out of an air-powered pumpkin cannon!
Build a Model Particle Collider
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
A large metal tray, a few rare earth magnets, and some steel ball bearings are the essential components of a simple particle collider, suitable for…
Temperature Change Caused by Pressure Change in a Gas
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
Changing the pressure of a gas is accompanied by a temperature change. This segment illustrates everyday examples of
Why Does Salt Melt Ice?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
There is some remarkable chemistry at work when ice is exposed to salt. The ice melts, but why?
What are Coins Made Of?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2008
With the help of a magnet, we can undertake a simple exploration of the metallurgy of Canadian coins, particularly when it comes to the nickel…
Science of Curling - Is it Possible to Throw a Curling Rock?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
We challenge two of Canada's top curlers - Wayne and Sherry Middaugh - to throw a curling stone without curl. Can they do it?
Science of Curling - Why Does a Rock Curl?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
We epxlore the peculiar physics that accounts for the curl in the stone as it slides across the ice.
Science of Curling - Pebbling The Ice
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
The surface of curling ice is purposely covered with little ice bumps called 'pebble'. How does sliding a rock on pebbled ice compare with sliding a…
Science of Curling - The Effects of Sweeping
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Sweeping is the most distinctive and unusual element of curling. We run some tests to get an understanding of its role and its importance.
The Science of Broomball, or How Not to Fall Down on Ice
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Broomball players rely on special shoes to keep their feet planted firmly on the ice. What makes these shoes so special and how much better are they…
Darwin's Natural Selection
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Natural selection is the process by which favorable heritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population, and unfavorable…
Rolling Soup Can Race
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Rolling soup cans down a ramp reveals a great deal about rotational motion and answers the age-old question: which accelerates faster - chicken…
Rolling Races
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
What will roll down a ramp faster - an empty jar or a jar full of water? What about a jar of water vs. a jar of jam? And what does it tell us about…
Displacing Water With Pins and Cotton
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Any pbject submerged in a fluid displaces a volume of fluid equal to its own volume. Objects like straight pins and cotton balls occupy a very small…
Lifting Fingerprints With Superglue
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
Forensic investigators have a secret weapon in their quest for fingerprints - cyanoacrylate, commonly referred to as 'superglue'!
Detecting Blood With Luminot
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
How can blood stains be made to fluoresce under ultraviolet light, and what can they tell us about a crime scene?
What is a DNA Fingerprint?
By Exploration Production Inc. - 2009
How is a DNA fingerprint created and what does it show? The forensics experts at Trent University help us unravel the science of DNA analysis.
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