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Infant and Child Development
This item is included in the following series/curriculum: Psychology: The Human Experience
- Grade Level: Adult
- Subjects: Psychology
- Produced By: Coast Learning Systems
- Year: 2001
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Running Time: 30m
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Provides an overview of Piaget's four stages of cognitive development.
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Psychology: The Human Experience - Complete Series
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
This telecourse offers insights into key concepts and principles of psychology through a focus on human experience. Interviews with subject matter…
Why Study Psychology?
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Introduces psychology as a science of behavior and mental processes. It explains how understanding why we think and act as we do enhances our lives.
Research Methods in Psychology
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The Nervous System
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The Neuron and Neural Transmission
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Sensation and Perception
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Illustrates how our consciousness and awareness vary throughout a typical day. It also explores the impact of circadian rhythms.
Learning: Classical and Operant Conditioning
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Discusses Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment and how it demonstrates the process of learning by an association or relationship.
Learning: Observational and Cognitive Approaches
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Discusses observational learning. The cognitive process of learning is illustrated using B. F. Skinner's research.
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Answers the question of "What is memory?" and explains how our sense of identity relies on memories of personal history and connections with the…
Language and Cognition
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Explores the fact that most animals have the ability to communicate, but only humans have language, symbols for objects, actions, ideas, and feelings.
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Explores what intelligence means in different environments and cultures and discusses nature versus nurture and the history and biases of…
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Offers an in-depth discussion of biological and social theories of motivation, intertwined with Bandura's presentation on the role of self-efficacy.
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Asks the following questions: What are emotions? Are they learned or are they innate? Are they expressed in the same way throughout most cultures?
Adolescent and Adult Development
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Explains the significance of peer relationships and Kohlberg's moral development theory. Erikson's theory on human development and Kübler-Ross' five…
Gender and Sexuality
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Explores the distinction between the terms sex and gender and describes the similarities and differences between men and women.
Personality Theories
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Explores the three major theories of personality - Freudian, humanistic, and social-cognitive perspective - by examining the life of the former…
Personality Traits and Assessment
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Looks at the ways we can evaluate and assess the many parts of our individual personalities.
Social Cognition
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Focuses on how people form impressions of others and how people's behavior is affected by attitudes.
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Analyzes the formation of attitudes and how they can be turned into prejudice. It also explores ways to prevent prejudice and how to appreciate…
Group Influence
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Explains individuality, group behavior, and deindividuation.
Stress, Health, and Coping
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Chronicles a breast cancer survivor who employs successful coping strategies to aid in maintaining good health in stressful situations.
Understanding Psychological Disorders, Part One
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Presents research on obsessive/compulsive disorders, and examines the daily lives of patients with these disorders.
Understanding Psychological Disorders, Part Two
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Examines schizophrenia, its symptoms, and types. It asks the question: Can some people who suffer from this disease live a relatively normal life?
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Examines four different styles of therapy treatment for mental disorders and discusses the role of each style of therapy.
Making Psychology Part of Your Life
By Coast Learning Systems - 2001
Concludes the series by examining how psychology can be applied to all areas of our lives.
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