By Kantola Productions, LLC - 2009
Inspiring others is a "soft skill," one that many believe you need to be born with to possess. But in their research, Dr. Zenger and his colleagues…
Hiring decisions and performance evaluations are affected by common biases, such as favoring tall or attractive candidates. Professor Flynn provides…
Chunka Mui and Paul Carroll researched 750 of the most significant business failures of the past quarter-century and found the Number 1 cause of…
China's GDP will catch up to that of the U.S. by 2025, predicts Professor Gupta. By 2050, GDP of both China and India will reach or surpass that of…
NetApp has successfully navigated through every major cycle in business: from the frenetic mentality of a startup, through the tumultuous period of…
Microsoft is now in the midst of a multi-year initiative to transform itself once again-to a software-plus-internet-services provider. Despite the…
By Kantola Productions, LLC - 2006
Organizations are built for stability, not for change. But in today's highly competitive business environment, organizations must be ready to…
By Kantola Productions, LLC - 2008
By Kantola Productions, LLC - 2007
Southwest Airlines started with a simple idea, and managed to stick with it through decades of unprecedented growth. Many have tried (but failed) to…
78% of customers were missing out on new products and promotions, because they were not signed up to receive emails.